
PROGRESS 2021: Keeping Busy (Hayfield)

When Sherry Heydt has time on her hands, she’s going to find something to do, and usually it ...


PROGRESS 2021: Working together with Austin

Austin’s new AAF executive director is about building through collaboration   Steve Barrett is supposed to be retired. ...


PROGRESS 2021: Collective Impact

A collaborative effort led by Austin Aspires helps turn Hispanic boys to graduation   Education is often a ...


PROGRESS 2021: Quest for the Meaning of Life

Hormel Institute’s new executive director brings energy to cancer research   From the first moment you meet Dr. ...


PROGRESS 2021: A Cut Above

Ojuoti John answers a calling to open a barber shop in Austin   When Ojuoti John first stepped ...


PROGRESS 2021: Granting a path to the future

In an ever changing world, businesses are either keeping up or closing shop. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit ...


PROGRESS 2021: ‘For God and Country’

Galen Holst has commanded the Lyle Legion for over two decades   To the regulars at Lyle American ...


PROGRESS 2021: Classroom to Combine

Riverland Community College isn’t literally putting food on tables, but it sure is teaching a lot of students ...

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