
Supporting farm safety and consumer protections

By Dan Sparks State Senator, District 27 During my time in the Minnesota Senate, I have always recognized ...

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Rural lawmakers push back against ‘clean cars’ proposal

Gov. Tim Walz’s proposal to implement a “clean cars” rule in Minnesota came under fire at the state ...

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Promoting Safety: Legislators introduce bill that would provide hundreds of thousands in farm safety grants

State legislators, including Sen. Dan Sparks and Rep. Jeanne Poppe of Austin, have introduced a bill in the ...

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Standoff looms over election security, provisional ballots

An election bill that would segregate ballots of people who register to vote on Election Day is on ...

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Others’ opinion: Klobuchar strikes right chord for future success

A hard-working, forthright, intelligent senator from the Midwest got just what she needed for national recognition in the ...

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One thing unites establishment Democrats: Fear of Sanders

LAS VEGAS  — A growing number of Democratic lawmakers, union officials, state leaders and party strategists agree that ...

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What to watch at the Legislature this week: paid family leave, guns, education

This week might seem like a bit of a re-run for observers of the Minnesota Legislature. Several bills ...

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Hayward man to challenge Bennett for 27A seat

A Hayward man announced this week he will run a second time for the Minnesota House of Representatives ...

State, Nation and World

Buttigieg’s rocky record on race gets a closer look

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg is facing a more intense spotlight on his past leadership on issues of ...

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Klobuchar continues to defy the odds; can she keep her momentum?

Those who know much of anything about Minnesota’s own Amy Klobuchar, when our U.S. Senator announced she was ...

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Legislative session could be light on accomplishments

The pressure was on for lawmakers and DFL Gov. Tim Walz last year: They were constitutionally mandated to ...

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Peggy Bennett: A preview of the 2020 Legislative Session

It’s hard to believe, but the 2020 Legislative Session is about to begin. So what do we need to ...

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Jeanne Poppe: Looking ahead to the 2020 Legislative session

On Feb. 11, the Minnesota Legislature reconvenes for the second year of the 2019-2020 Legislative Biennium. The focus ...

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Dan Sparks: Bonding the focus for the 2020 Legislative session

My colleagues and I are headed back to the Capitol on Tuesday, Feb. 11 to begin the 2020 ...

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CGMC to urge legislature to invest in Greater Minnesota

ST. PAUL —With the state sitting on a $1.3 billion budget surplus and a AAA bond rating, Greater ...

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