Latest Best Bets

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Best Bets: Music with meaning; Songwriters Showcase to be held Friday night

The second Songwriters Showcase will be held from 6-9 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 21, at the Austin ArtWorks ...

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Best Bets: Her Crooked Heart performing at the Paramount; Foodie Throwdown Saturday

Join Twin Cities-based band Her Crooked Heart, led by singer/songwriter Rachel Ries, for an intimate evening of music ...

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Best Bets: Smashing Cancer again invading the fairgrounds for Paint the Town Pink

As Paint the Town Pink continues in Austin, residents and visitors alike will have the opportunity to watch ...

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Best Bets: Take the plunge at East Side Lake

The Paint the Town Pink celebration continues on with another weekend of festivities. One of the biggest money ...

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Best Bets: Learn to ski at the Nature Center; 2020 Wedding and Event Showcase

Those looking to learn how to cross country ski will have a free opportunity from 8:30 a.m. to ...

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Best Bets: 41st Lyle Area Cancer Auction this weekend

The annual Lyle Area Cancer Auction will take place starting 6 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 17, and running ...

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Best Bets: Metro collage artist exhibit to open at ArtWorks Center

The Austin ArtWorks Center is opening a new exhibit featuring the works of Emily Lavalier, Cora Feist and ...

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Best Bets: New year starting nice and easy

The area is still finding its 2020 legs, but while there aren’t any real big named events this ...

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Best Bets: Events at the Senior Center, Hormel Home

UPDATE:  Davina and the Vagabonds show at the Hormel Historic Home is sold out. Christmas is just around ...

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Best Bets: Come ‘Home for the Holidays’

Join the Austin Symphony Orchestra and the MacPhail Austin Community Children’s Choir for a fun-filled afternoon in celebration ...

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It’s Christmas Time: It’s a weekend of holiday fun through a variety of events

The City of Austin is continuing to celebrate the holiday season with these upcoming weekend events.

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Best Bets: Holiday fun at the Hormel Historic Home

The Hormel Historic Home has a number of holiday activities starting today and running through Saturday. For more ...

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Best Bets: Part Time Ex’s to rock in Austin; Group to play as part of the Music @ The Bank concert series

St. Paul-based musical act Part Time Ex’s will be performing at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 16, at ...

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Best Bets: An evening with the stars

The Sola Fide Observatory will be one of several locations throughout the state participating in Minnesota’s first Statewide ...

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Best Bets: Hormel Home meal benefits military families

With Veterans Day coming up in November, the Hormel Historic Home is giving residents the chance to support ...

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