Sneak peek: Progress 2013 coming Sunday
Published 3:30 am Saturday, February 23, 2013
Look for the Austin Daily Herald’s most anticipated special section of the year, Progress, on newsstands Sunday. You can also pick up a copy of the 96-page special magazine starting Monday at the Herald office, 310 Second St. NE.
- Mary Holtorf, Pacelli Catholic Schools vice principal, is spearheading Pacelli’s 100th year celebration that will include an alumni invitation back to Austin in August.
- Brett Vesel, who is between his first and second years coaching, is trying to build a base for rebuilding the Austin’s football program which includes plenty of weight-room time. Look for the story in Progress.
- Bill Holder has been bringing the Word of God to inmates for many years, praying with them and handing out literature. Look for the story in Progress.
- Jerry Mathies, a board member for the Veterans Memorial inside the Adams Legion, talks about the impressive collection of the small museum and the interest it draws. Look for the story in Progress.
- Kevin Brinkley, owner of Artesian Fresh east of LeRoy on Highway 56, is doing everything he and his company can to bring great-tasting water to the public, bottling the water from an artesian well from the business’ site. Look for the story in Progress.
- Greg Peterson of Extreme Powder Coating poses in the show room of his business. Extreme Powder Coating is part of an informal partnership with Metal Services and Heavy Metal, both in Blooming Prairie. Look for the story in Progress.
- Bryan Hernandez has been around racing a long time and over the years can boast three track championships at Chateau Raceway in Lansing. Look for the story in Progress.