Letter to the Editor: Trying to get in touch with Finstad

Published 5:58 pm Tuesday, February 13, 2024

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I’ve been trying to get a meeting with Congressman Finstad since November of 2022. I want him to introduce a bill that would restore American freedom, justice, prosperity and independence.

The bill is titled the Original American Transportation Act. It is just six pages and 14 easy-to-read sections. I’ve met several times with Congressman Finstad’s aides in the Rochester, Minnesota office and communicated with his Washington D.C. office with no success of a brief meeting with him when he would be in Rochester. The Rochester office has told me I must go through the DC office.

The American Transportation Act has been in that office for several months with no feedback. I’m told that it’s being “looked over.”I’ve called and emailed the Washington DC aide I’ve been told to talk to and have had no success in getting an updated status on the bill.

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I would think that a representative of the people would want to hear from a citizen about a bill that would restore American freedom, justice, prosperity and independence. How does one get a meeting with his Federal District Representative?

Gregory Soderberg

Austin, MN