Letter: Feehan will stand up to the drug industry

Published 5:00 am Thursday, January 9, 2020

One of the major issues that concerns voters is the rising cost of prescription drugs. This is a legitimate concern as it affects many people. I use Advair, a maintenance drug for asthma. Last year, a monthly supply was priced at $560.99. This year it is currently $700.99 per month, an increase of $140.

Our current administration said it would lower the cost of prescription drugs. It hasn’t done so. When a bill that would help lower prices came before the House of Representatives, Rep. Hagedorn voted against it. He stated at the Austin town hall meeting that he believes the free market should regulate the cost of prescription drugs and would cause the prices to lower. Apparently the free market solution is not working for the price of Advair.

I want my voice to be heard in Congress, so I am supporting someone who will vote “yes” on the bills to lower prices and would back changing our current administration’s relationship with the pharmaceutical industry. That someone is Dan Feehan. He will support Congressional action to lower drug prices and the rising cost of health care. Dan cares about people, not big industry.

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Nancy Bakke-McGonigle
Austin, MN