Day of Caring to focus on childcare; United Way volunteers to revive Catherwood Home

Published 8:09 am Thursday, September 21, 2017

This year, United Way’s Day of Caring event will span two days –— Sept. 30 and Oct. 1 —  to focus on the childcare needs at Catherwood Home Childcare.

Through painting, landscaping, organizing, and repairs, volunteers will work to revive Catherwood’s 16-room home.

Day of Caring will conclude Oct. 1 with United Way’s 2017-2018 Campaign Kickoff beginning at 4:15 p.m. This community event will include a “reveal” of the updated Catherwood building. United Way will also be raising awareness about education, income, health, and basic needs in our community. Those attending are urged to bring friends and family for an informative hour of food, fun, and games.

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Catherwood Home Childcare is owned, operated, and staffed by the Parenting Resource Center. Catherwood grew out of a collaboration with local employers and community leaders who identified that bilingual and non-standard hours of childcare were barriers for employees.

Established in 2001, Catherwood opened to address the need for parents who were working second and third shift hours.

Today, Catherwood is still well-known in the community for being the only childcare center in the Austin area that offers non-traditional daycare hours. Catherwood is open, on average, 98 out of 168 hours a week. Parents truly appreciate, need, and rely on the flexibility Catherwood maintains. 

The United Way of Mower County understands that childcare is a barrier in the community and continually works to address these issues. Because of the prevalent need, United Way and the Parenting Resource Center are partnering for United Way’s Day of Caring – an event designed to engage the members of our community in meaningful volunteer efforts that leave a lasting impact.

If you have any questions or would like to be involved with Day of Caring or the Campaign Kickoff, please contact the United Way at 507-437-2313.

Did you know

The Austin area is short of more than 800 formal childcare slots.    Access to quality childcare is vital to child development, lifelong learning, and regional economic growth.    Catherwood is currently 90 percent grant-funded. This means the revenue from childcare is directed immediately back to its day-to-day functions. – United Way of Mower County