Society news

Published 7:01 am Sunday, February 12, 2017

Brownsdale Study Club

Brownsdale Study Club met at the home of Joyce Juhnke on Jan. 18.

Joyce called the meeting to order with members reading the collect. The secretary-treasurer’s reports were read and approved. Members answered roll call by answering, “How many places have you lived.”

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There was no new business.

Hostess for the February meeting will be Mary Gallaher. A motion was made to adjourn the meeting by Beryl

Hazel Schlichtung game the main topic on : How to Live to be 100 or more.”

Centurions – people who live to be a 100 — are the fastest growing population group in the USA and Canada. They usually take life as it comes and have family who have reached a ripe old age. In some cases, it helps to be a female. One of the oldest individuals was Jeanne Calmet of France who lived to the age of 122 (1875-1997).

Her secret was consuming olive oil, drinking a little wine and using her mind. She enjoyed tennis, cycling, swimming, roller skating and playing piano. We too can live 100 years, but research suggests we can improve our odds by our lifestyle. These rules can help us live longer.

A. Take it easy, get rid of stress.

B. Use your brain, play games.

C. Be physically active. Exercise.

D. Share with people

E. Laugh a lot and smile.

F. Work — keeps us healthy

G. Watch your diet, eat balanced foods.

H. Sleep soundly — 6 to 8 hours a day.

I. Enjoy sunshine. Vitamin D can improve longevity.

J. Drink plenty of water.

In th near future we will even have more knowledge and therapies to help us to live as long as we want. Who wants to be 200 years old?

Last week Hazel’s cousin, Dick Garbisch, from Rochester, 100 years old, came to visit her in Brownsdale and brought her a basket of flowers. He is very active, likes to travel and spends time in Florida in the winter.

His biggest reason to visit Hazel was to show her his new car. One hundred years old and still driving.

Mary’s outside reading was about inaugural events.

The first military involvement in the inauguration goes back to the beginning on April 30, 1789, when members of local militia units and Revolutionary War veterans escorted George Washington to the first inaugural ceremony in Federal Hall in New York. The U.S. Marine Band was formed in 1789 and has played at every inauguration since Thomas Jefferson in 1801. The first president to get music to walk by was Martin Van Burin in 1837. When the president takes the oath of office, the Marine Band plays, “Hail to the Chief.” On Inauguration Day in 1849, Abraham Lincoln lost his hat at the inaugural ball. Then in 1855 John Quincy Adams was the first president to wear long pants rather than knee breeches. Dwight D. Eisenhower, in 1953, was lassoed in a stunt by a rodeo rider during the parade.

During Ronald Reagan’s time as president, the warmest day for inauguration in 1981 was 55 degrees and the coldest day was seven degrees in 1985. Bill Clinton in 1997 held the most inaugural balls. There were 14 of them.

This year, the inauguration on Jan. 20 has a military task force based in Washington, D.C. that provided security and performed other duties. There was 13,000 troops who are commended by General Bradley Becker of Joint Force Headquarters. That includes 8,000 National Guard Troops who provided security for local and federal law enforcement groups. Those troops also have expertise in explosives, weapons and life support.

The security service always has designated survivors who are elected officials hidden away who can legally take over in case of attack or catasrophe during the ceremony. Another 5,000 troops will serve in ceremonial roles such as bands, escorts and color guards.

This year, for the first time, 45 4-H students visited from Minnesota and were chosen to attend the inauguration. Southland High School senior Rachel Meany, daughter of Lyn and Mark Meany of Rose Creek, was chosen from Mower County to participate in the historic event.

Peacefully transferring power between two different political belief systems is an important feature of our democracy.

Duplicate Bridge

Tuesday, Jan. 31, five tables played at the Mower County Senior Center. First place, Vandy Newman and Bud Higgins; second place, Joyce Crowe and Millie Seiver; third place, Gail and Ray Schmidt; fourth place, Barb Engebretson and Orrin Roisenp; fifth place, Sue Mann and Gail Nelson.

Wednesday, Feb. 1, six tables played at the Mower County Senior Center. First place, Loren Cleland and Bud Higgins; second place, Vandy Newman and Ron Peters; third place, Dave Ring and Orrin Roisen; fourth place, Gail and Ray Schmidt; fifth place, Eunice Michalis and Warren Behrends; sixth place, Barb Engebretson and Lorraine Lippert

Players were from Austin, Albert Lea, Adams and Rose Creek. All bridge players are encouraged to join us at 12:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and noon on Wednesdays.