Society news
Published 7:26 am Sunday, November 6, 2016
Brownsdale Study Club
The Brownsdale Study Club met at Spring Valley Care Center on Oct. 19. Our hostess, Mildred Johnson, is healing there after a fall so we drove there to be with her for the meeting.
Joyce Juhnke called the meeting to order with members reading the Collect. The secretary-treasurer’s reports were read and approved. Ten members answered the roll call by telling something they liked about fall.
Old business was about our annual fall outing to tour the new Spam Museum. An excellent guide presented the great exhibits for us. They we had a good lunch at Barley’s. After that we drove to Farmer John’s Pumpkin Patch where we enjoyed the fall decorations and pumpkins.
There was no new business. The meeting was adjourned. The hostess in November will be Rena Perrigo.
Hazel Schlichtung gave the outside reading on Hidden Gems, America’s best-kept secrets. 2016 was the 100th anniversary of the National Park Service. On Aug. 25, 1916, President Woodrow Wilson signed into law The Organic Act legislation that established the National Park Service. The new agency was created to promote and regulate the use of federal areas, national parks, monuments and reservations.
Yellowstone was the first national park established in 1872. Now every July and August people come to look, learn and sample the best vacation bargains in America.
Minnesota does not have a national park, but it has two national monuments — one in Pipestone in the southwest corner and the other is Grand Portage in the northeast corner of Minnesota.
The National Park Service bureau of the U.S. Interior Department administers the monuments.
Some have been established by acts of Congress or set aside by presidential proclamation. National monuments fall into four general classes.
1. Areas of biological importance.
2. Archaeological remains.
3. Regions that show interesting geological formations.
4. Sites of historical interest.
In Pipestone, we see Native Americans amongst the rock quarries for which the park is named. There are also several pits and waterfalls. By permit, only Native Americans, in a tribe, are allowed to quarry Pipestone. The Native Americans reserved it as sacred ground. They carve the red claystone which is made into pipes and crafts. No power tools are allowed. Every year, the Hiawatha Pageant and Laura Ingalls Wilder shows are presented to the public. All across the USA we have natural wonders to explore and get the chance to feel that deep spiritual connection to us.
Fern Paschle’s main topic was Plants Bring Nature Inside.
A house plant that is currently enjoying a surge of popularity is called the Mother-in-laws tongue or know as the snake plant.
It’s name gives an undeserved bad rap to mother’s-in-law because of the sharpness of its pointed leaves. Today it is often used as a set decoration in movies or TV shows because of its toughness or dominant presence. The plant can be started small and as it grows it seems to be happy in a north window in the summer and a west window in the winter. The leaves grow upwards. It thrives on neglect and stays attractive with only an occasional leaf cleaning with a cloth. The plants help to cleanse the air in our homes and absorb pollutants.
Green is the color of nature and its a good plant which is safe to use as the plants change with growth and their ability to sustain changes. It tends to be a key to its green energy.
In the 1950s Woolworth Drugstores began selling the plant. Growth is comparatively slow and the plants are long lived. Here are some tips for growing the mother-in-laws tongue.
•Place in an east, west or north window a foot away from the window.
•Turn the pot a quarter turn every week for even light.
•Water sparingly.
•Transplant when the plants get too big for the pot.
Growing plants can be a hobby as well as a great way to create a restful environment and a sense of well-being. Put some green in your life today and create some balance and harmony as it grows.
Mildred and family served a delicious lunch.
Duplicate Bridge
Tuesday, Oct. 25, six tables played at the Mower County Senior Center. First place, Theresa Baldus and Harriet Oldenberg; second place, Barb Rofshus and Lorraine Quinlivan; third place, Gene Mucho and Ron Peters; fourth place, Gail and Ray Schmidt; fifth place, Lorraine Lippert and Russ Valle; sixth place, Larry Crowe and Bud Higgins.
Wednesday, Oct. 26, five tables played. First place, Tom Flaharty and David Ring; second place, Gus Brandt and Stan Schultz; third place, Larry Crowe and Ray Schmidt; fourth place, Edna Knobbe and Cleo Osmundson; fifth place, Eunice Michaelis and Warren Behrends.
Players were from Austin, Albert Lea, Adams and Rose Creek. All bridge players are encouraged to join us at 12:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and noon on Wednesdays.