Society news: Feb. 14

Published 6:35 pm Saturday, February 14, 2015

Duplicate Bridge

Tournament results for Feb. 4 with five tables played: First place, Vandy Newman and Ron Peterson; second place (tie), Jim Fisher and Bud Higgins and Dave Ring and Orrion Roisen; Third place, Loren Cleland and Arnie Lang; Fourth place, Warren Behrends and Eunice Michaelis.

Duplicate Bridge is played each Wednesday at noon at the Mower County Senior Center in Austin. All Bridge players are welcome. Call Dave Ring at 507-434-4189.

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 Golden Age Club

The monthly meeting on Feb. 4 was opened with the flag pledge. Everett DeYoung, president, conducted the meeting.

Chaplain Elaine Reynolds read “My Heart Lifts Up.” Sylvia Ginder, secretary, read the monthly report. Ruth Van Hooser gave the treasurer’s report. Balance on hand, as of Jan. 31, is $441.39. Both reports were accepted as read.

Motions were made by Hazel Baldner and Wayne Chilson. Evertt and Shirley DeYoung served a Valentine-themed treat for coffee time.

A new member, Mariam Luehmann was welcomed to our club.

February birthdays are celebrated by Donna Spinler and Shirley DeYoung. Lucille Stratton reported her’s is a Leap Year birthday. Congratulations to these ladies.

A February anniversary is celebrated by Everett and Shirley DeYoung, 59 years for them. Our congratulations to them.

Hazel Baldner, Sunshine Lady, sent cards to Lucille Stratton, Delores Murphy, Shirley deYoung and Eloise Williamette.

Anyone 55 or older is welcome to join the club.