Arson suspected in house fire
Published 1:44 pm Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Albert Lea police and fire departments are investigating a fire on the 300 block of E. College St. that was reported to authorities Wednesday afternoon. Fire investigator Doug Johnson said the fire was suspicious. -- Sarah Stultz/Albert Lea Tribune
ALBERT LEA — Albert Lea firefighters are investigating a suspicious fire reported to authorities Wednesday afternoon.
The fire, on the 300 block of E. College St., reportedly took place Tuesday night and burned itself out.
Johnson said the owner, listed as Donald Brandt, was cleaning the house Tuesday and left around 8 p.m. He came back Wednesday to prepare the house for new tenants and noticed the fire damage.
The blaze was contained to one area, and there was no exterior damage.
Investigators posted arson signs on the house, asking for people to contact authorities if they have any information.
Johnson said there did not appear to be forced entry.