Chicken coop catches on fire

Published 5:43 am Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Glenville and Hayward firefighters responded to a field and chicken coop fire near Hayfield Monday afternoon. The owner of the property was reportedly burning garbage when the garbage caught the field and chicken coop nearby on fire. Officials said the damage was minor.

HAYWARD — A chicken coop south of Hayward had minor damage Monday afternoon after garbage burning nearby caught the structure on fire.

Property owner Casper Kycek, of 810th Ave., said he was burning garbage when he went inside for about 30 minutes to eat lunch. When he came back outside the burning garbage had caught the field on fire and was moving toward his chicken coop.

Though the coop did have some fire damage, fire officials estimated the structure is repairable.

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“Now I know what fire can do,” Kycek said.

Glenville and Hayward firefighters responded.