Wake me up when LeBron signs somewhere
Published 3:34 pm Thursday, July 29, 2010
What in the name of Brett Favre’s comeback is going on here?
I know the mass sports media got carried away with Favre’s will he or won’t he play for the Vikings last summer, but I think it’s gotten even worse with LeBronapolooza or whatever you want to call LeBron James summe of free agency.
I can’t watch ESPN’s sportscenter without hearing somebody yelling about the value of the Bulls, or how the Heat could become a dynasty with the simple addition of two players (LeBron and Chris Bosh or Amare Stoudemire).
The last I checked you need more than three players to win one title, never mind many titles – but that’s another issue.
The worst is the blind guessing of these ‘experts’ as to where to LeBron is going to land.
I’ve heard every ludicrous argument in the book for the ‘chosen one’s’ destination.
He needs to go to Chicago if he wants to be great because Michael Jordan played there!
He needs to play for the Knicks to be a global icon!
He needs to prove he can win with Cleveland, and winning a title there would be like 10 titles anywhere else!
The Nets have a billionaire owner and Jay-Z, who is a minority owner of the team, is friends with LeBron, so he has to sign there!
It’s all dumb and I reached my breaking point when I heard a clip of a caller saying LeBron had to stay with the Cavs, because if he signed anywhere else and didn’t ‘win right away’ he would be considered a failure and would face consequences.
When’s the last time an athlete lost salary for not winning games? Are the fans going to attack LeBron and spit on him in the streets if he doesn’t bring a title to their city. Highly unlikely and a ridiculous argument.
So for now, I’ll watch the World Cup, follow a little baseball and dream of football season – because I’m about LeBroned out.