RCC shows off campus plans; College seeking $7.43M to move programs from Austin to AL

Published 10:05 am Friday, October 30, 2015

The Senate Capital Investment Committee along with local community and business leaders toured Riverland Community College Thursday. The college is seeking $7.5 million in bonding for campus renovations. Colleen Harrison/newsroom@austindailyherald.com

The Senate Capital Investment Committee along with local community and business leaders toured Riverland Community College Thursday. The college is seeking $7.5 million in bonding for campus renovations. Colleen Harrison/newsroom@austindailyherald.com

By Sam Wilmes

ALBERT LEA — Riverland Community College showed leaders of the Minnesota Senate Capital Investment Committee their vision for the future Thursday.

College leaders took lawmakers on a tour of the college’s transportation, trade and industrial facilities Thursday morning as part of the school’s $7.43 million bonding request.

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The Senate committee visited with Austin and Albert Lea leaders to discuss bonding requests as part of a southeast Minnesota tour.

College officials said the funds would go toward renovating outdated space to relocate truck driving and collision programs from Austin to Albert Lea and to integrate the programs into shared spaces with auto service and diesel programs.

The adjacent, vacant Gateway Building is planned for demolition if the project is approved. The project includes 8,734 square feet of new construction to increase the amount of space available for programs.

Rep. Peggy Bennett, R-Albert Lea, said the college’s request was important for Albert Lea because the community college is an important part of the community’s workforce.