Firefighter hurt, hospitalized after injury

Published 10:24 am Thursday, February 19, 2015

GIBBON — A volunteer firefighter from south-central Minnesota is hospitalized after he was injured at a fire earlier this week.

Forty-year-old Ryan Sabo has been a Gibbon volunteer firefighter for nine years. He was hurt Monday while helping fight the fire that destroyed the Weistress Welding building in Fairfax.

Sabo was helping move a hose from one side of the building to the other when a door fell on him. It took six people to lift the steel door off.

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Sabo is at North Memorial Medical Center in Robbinsdale. His injuries include a shattered thigh bone and hip and a compressed spine. Doctors are monitoring his kidney for bruising.

Sabo has since been moved out of intensive care to the trauma room.