Society News: Oct. 12
Duplicate Bridge
Tournament results for Oct. 1 with five tables played: First place, EOrrion Roisen and Dave Ring; second place, Stan Schultz and Tom Flaherty; third place, Vandy Newman and Gene Muchow; fourth place, Lu Schmitt and Loren Cleland; fifth place, Millie Seiver and Arnie Lang.
Duplicate Bridge is played each Wednesday at noon at the Mower County Senior Center in Austin. All Bridge players are welcome. Call Dave Ring at 507-434-4189.
Golden Age Club
Hazel Baldner, chairperson, conducted the monthly meeting of the Golden Age Club on Oct. 1.
Chaplin Dee Murphey read the prayer, “Summer’s Gold.”
Sylvia Ginder made the motion and seconded by Dennis Bray to accept the secretary and treasurer’s reports as read.
October birthdays will be celebrated by Eddie Hall, Eleanor Anderson and Carol Kline.
An October wedding anniversary will be celebrated by Dennis and Susan Bray.
The nominating committee, consisting of Shirley De Young, Eileen Reynolds, and Linda Noske will be asking members to consider the position of president and secretary, to take office on Jan. 7, 2015.
A sympathy card was sent to Lonnie Murphy for the death of his daughter.
Marion Rolfson became a new member.
Cards (500) were played at nine tables. Lunch was served by Joan Stanek and Eleanor Anderson.
Anyone 55 or older is asked to join.
The Red Cedar Chapter, NSDAR, met at the Salvation Army on Oct. 2. Hostesses were Sybil Pickett and Sharon Brown.
The Ritual was repeated and the President General’s Message was read by Judy Brown. Kristine Maier read the National Defense Report. Minute handouts included information regarding the Anasazi indians, women’s issues, and a time in American history when George Washington signed the Postal Service Act.
One of the projects of the Red Cedar Chapter is to send a box to Landstuhl, Germany, for “Project Patriot”, which helps those who serve and protect our country. Information concerning items which are needed for this project was given to each member and these items will be collected at the December meeting.
The members thanked Polly Jelinek for serving as the chairperson for Constitution Day which was held at the Austin Public Library on Sept. 17. The Red Cedar has received word that the article about this display which had been submitted to the Daughters of the American Revolution Newsletter, which is a supplement to American Spirit Magazine, would be included in the January/February 2015 issue. Also, during the month of September the Red Cedar gave ten tactile USA Flags with the “Pledge of Allegiance” in Braille to the Minnesota State Academy for the Blind, Faribault.
Two very significant Historic Preservation Projects were discussed during the program which was presented by Diana Adkins, Sharon Jensen and Cheryl Potter. Diana and Sharon told their story regarding the request from Roberta Seefeldt and Phyllis Olson, co-chairs of the MNDAR State Historic Preservation Committee, that one of our chapter members please try to locate the historic boulder, with a DAR bronze plaque attached, commemorating the first settlement on the south side of the lake on South Shore Drive in Albert Lea. This boulder was found/located, and in 1925 it was placed on the south shore of Albert Lea Lake to mark the site of St. Nicholas, a community that was founded in 1855 and was the first settlement in Freeborn County. The boulder was difficult to see, rather elusive, because of its location and the tall grass surrounding it.
Red Cedar’s Memorial Boulder was placed in Todd Park in the summer of 1934. The boulder has a bronze plaque which lists the 64 men from Mower County who died in World War I.
The boulder was originally placed in the Memorial Grove of American Elm trees planted by the DAR in 1929 at Todd Park. The grove contained 64 trees, one for each of the men who died. After the trees succumbed to time and disease, the boulder was moved to courthouse square. In the mid 90s the boulder was placed near the flag pole at the swimming pool. Cheryl reported that the Red Cedar is now working with county officials to find a permanent location for the boulder.
The next meeting will be held on Nov. 6. Adam Johnson, a member of the Children of the American Revolution, will be speaking in reference to the U.S. Constitution. CAR programs and activities are parallel to those of DAR. The NSCAR trains good citizens, develops leaders, and promotes love of the United States and its heritage among young people. The Austin Y’s Women will be the guests of the Red Cedar at this meeting.