2015 Minnesota Teacher of the Year nominations open
Everyone remembers a favorite teacher, someone who motivates and inspires students for a lifetime.
Minnesotans have the opportunity again this fall to nominate that unique educator for Minnesota Teacher of the Year. Nominations opened Oct. 1 and will remain open through Nov. 15.
Nominations can be submitted online by accessing a nomination form on www.educationminnesota.org. The 2015 Teacher of the Year will be named at a ceremony May 3, 2015. The Minnesota Teacher of the Year also becomes Minnesota’s candidate for National Teacher of the Year.
Eligible nominees must meet these criteria: teach in a public or nonpublic Pre-K through 12th-grade school, working at least 50 percent of the time directly with students, hold a bachelor’s degree and a Minnesota teaching license, have completed three years of teaching by the nomination deadline, and intend to teach during the 2015-16 school year.
Anyone may nominate a teacher. Self-nominations are also accepted. For more information or to receive a nomination form, call Kieren Steinhoff at 651-292-4865 or 800-652-9073.