Society news: Feb. 2
Duplicate Bridge
Tournament results for Jan. 22 with four tables played: First place, Gene Domino and Rick Stroup; second, Orrion Roisen and Dave Ring; third, Georgia Bissen and Cleo Osmundson; fourth, Lu Schmitt and Loren Cleland.
Duplicate Bridge is played each Wednesday at noon at the Mower County Senior Center in Austin. All Bridge players are welcome. Call Dave Ring at 507-434-4189 for partnership assistance or additional information.
Brownsdale Study Club January meeting
The club met Jan. 20 at the home of Sara Hatten. Nine members were present. The February meeting will be hosted by Dorothy Johnson. She is currently a resident of Fieldcrest Care Center. If she is still there at the time of the next meeting, the meeting will be at Fíeldcrest.
New business: A discussion about the club’s 90th anniversary celebration. Several ideas were put forth about where to hold it and whom to invite.
Treasurers report: $14.50 in the kitty.
The club still needs more members. Names of potential members were submitted and will be contacted. The outside reading was presented by Mary Gallaher. The subject was gold eagles and their amazing comeback from near extinction.
The main topic was given by Hazel Schlicting. The subject was pennies. Canada has started trying to round the prices to even dollars. No more $2.99, for instance. The U.S. would like to do the same. lt costs more to produce pennies than what they are worth.
Sara served a wonderful lunch, and we all enjoyed good fellowship. The meeting was adjourned.