Second ‘Czech it Out’ dinner raises $4K
A recent “Czech It Out” dinner has raised nearly $4,000 to support various Austin VFW-sponsored activities, including Honor Guard, transportation to Fort Snelling Medical Center, the local National Guard Unit, scouting, youth sports, local school programs and veterans with disabilities.
On Nov. 15, the Austin VFW Post 1216 hosted a second-time “Czech It Out” dinner after enlisting the help of Austin brothers Mike, Dave and Dan Ruzek, who organized the first Czech-themed dinner in 2012 to benefit Mower County veterans with disabilities in honor of their late father who was a disabled veteran from World War II.
A limited number of tickets (200) for this year’s dinner sold out about a week before the event. Additional funds were raised through silent auctions and cash donations from numerous organizations and individuals. The dinner was a traditional Czech meal of potato dumplings (home recipe), gravy, roast pork, homemade sauerkraut, corn and kolaches.
The following VFW veterans/auxiliary members also were instrumental in coordinating this year’s event: Scott Wiechmann (Commander), Bob Otterson, Sue Kuchera, Jim Bednar, Dennis Nelson and Don Konken. Special recognition was given to Marie Krikava, of Glenville, for making and donating 19 dozen kolaches on behalf of WFLA (Czech) Lodge 44.