County briefs: Attorneys to buy iPads
The county attorneys are going wireless.
County Attorney Kristen Nelsen is using more than $3,700 from her forfeiture budget to buy either laptop notebooks or iPads for herself and her attorneys. Wireless Internet will also be installed in the upstairs of the Jail and Justice Center.
Nelsen said attorneys in other counties are using such technology to easily bring research to court.
“We have found that we’re a bit behind our peers technology wise,” Nelsen said. “There are quite a few courthouses around the state that are wireless.”
Nelsen said other county employees will benefit from the wireless Internet.
Nelsen guaranteed the wireless network and information will be secure.
Schindler to stay on as county health officer
Though he retired from Mayo Clinic Health System in Austin, Dr. Dick Schindler will still serve as the county health officer.
Board kicks off new year
The county board has moved into the new year with new leadership.
Commissioner Mike Ankeny will serve as chairman for 2012 and Commissioner Jerry Reinartz will serve as vice-chair.
The Board also set commissioners’ committee appointments and annual costs:
•Liquor licenses: On sale: $2,160, Sunday on sale: $200, wine: $240, bottle club: $240, beer: $75
•Dangerous dog certificate fee: $150
•Fireworks display permit fee: $50
•Mini truck license fee: $30
•Filing of marriage license fee: $100
•Burning permit fee: $15
•Tobacco license fee: $75
•Reimbursement expenses for Memorial Day expanses: $600 for Legion posts with an auxiliary, $300 for posts without an auxiliary, maximum total of $3,500
Dietz to retire from Human Services
Social worker Jackie Dietz announced she will be retiring from Human Services. The board will pay her for a phased retirement of up to 100 hours so she can train her replacement.
Higgs takes over for Sorlie
Marti Higgs was named as the new communications supervisor to take over for Marlys Sorlie.
Higgs has worked in Mower County for about two years, and previously worked in Fillmore County.
Sorlie, however, isn’t entirely done working, as the board approved her to work up to 100 hours to train her replacement. She’ll be paid about $28 an hour — the same amount she was making before — but she will not earn benefits.