Famous Budweiser Clydesdales to visit Austin
They’re a really big deal, literally, and they’re coming to Austin this Thursday.
The Budweiser Clydesdales will be clopping up and down the streets of Austin this Thursday as part of an expanded Main Street Farmers’ Market event. The team of 10 Clydesdales will arrive in Austin at 2 p.m. by semi truck, be hitched to their wagon and will make a small tour of downtown shortly afterward. Then the team and beer wagon will be set up in the city parking lot on the corner of First St. and Second Ave. NW until 5 p.m.
“Even getting these things ready, that’s part of the fun, just watching them hitch these things up,” said Austin Area Chamber of Commerce events coordinator Jeff Baldus.
The Clydesdales will be at Hayfield Hey Days next week, and the Austin Chamber found an opportunity to bring them to Austin.
“It just seemed like it would be a good thing to tie in with the Austin Farmers’ Market,” Baldus said.
And Thursday won’t be a normal farmers’ market, either. Baldus said about 45 different vendors, crafters, artists and performers will be downtown to join the fun. Among food and crafts for sale, there will be music and renaissance performers. Rumor has it, two special Dalmatians may take part, as well.