Open house to feature fire building and more
Fishing, hiking, camping, sailing, skiing, shotgun shoot, horseback riding, mountain climbing, back packing are just some of the many activities that fifth and 12th grade boys and girls can participate in throughout the year in the Scouts BSA program, the flagship program of the Boy Scouts of America.
Boys and girls who are currently in fifth and 12th grades are invited to an open house to learn more about the program and participate in hands-on activities like fire building, map and compass reading, team building activities and knot tying.
“The program is designed to help youth learn new skills, inspire possible future careers, develop character and civic engagement, teach leadership skills, and develop personal fitness,” said Erik Karre, district director for the Twin Valley Council. “Youth participate in separate-gender troops; the girls are leading the girls and the boys are leading the boys. The most amazing part of the program is seeing youth taking ownership of the program as youth leaders.”
From 6:30-730 p.m., on Oct. 10, youth interested in learning more should attend and bring their parents or guardians to find out more. The event will take place at St. John’s Lutheran Church at 1200 13th Ave. NW in Austin.
If you cannot attend or to get more information about the troops in town, contact:
Troop for boys: Scoutmaster Ted Krueger at 612-723-6537 or Committee Chair, Bill Roskop at 507-473-3310.
Troop for girls: Scoutmaster Maurene Olson at 507-383-0912 or Committee Chair, Arlo Drees at 507-440-1530.
To get more information on the Scouts BSA program and the other programs of the Boy Scouts of America, visit