Society news: Feb. 22
Duplicate Bridge
Tournament results for Jan. 11 with five tables played: First place, Dave Ring and Orrion Roisen; second place, Jim Fisher and Bud Higgins; Third place, Warren Behrends and Eunice Michaelis; Fourth place, Loren Cleland and Arnie Lang.
Duplicate Bridge is played at noon each Wednesday at the Mower County Senior Center in Austin. All Bridge players are welcome. Call Dave Ring at 507-434-4189.
Brownsdale Study Club
We met with Joyce on Jan. 21 for the Brownsdale Study Club. Beryl opened the meeting with the reading of the collect. Secretary and treasurer’s reports were read and approved. Roll call answered with discussion of resolutions. Eleven members were present. There was no old business or new business discussed.
Sarah made motion to adjourn. Leone seconded.
Hazel gave the main topic of patriotism by showing love of our country. What our flag stands for: It shows a tribute to freedom. Why have a flag: To represent our country. What Uncle Sam stands for and the legend of Betsy Ross.
An outside reading by Mary Star. It outlasted the other contenders to become our National Anthem. Francis Scott Key wrote the “Start Spangled Banner” behind enemy lines in 1812. America’s tallest flagpole is 400 feet high and located at an insurance company in Sheboygan, Wisconsin.
Y’s Women
Y’s Women met Feb. 12, at the Hormel Historic Home. Members enjoyed a most delightful program given by Mary Nordeng on quilting. She showed many beautiful quilts that she designed and made.
Carol Lembrick conducted the business meeting with reports by Sue Apold and Anita Ulwelling. Information on coming events at the Hormel Home was given.
Dessert was served by the hostesses Donna Maas and Dee Witt.
The next meeting will be at 2 p.m. March 12, at the Hormel Home.