Scholarships available for pork students
The Minnesota Pork Board will award $1,000 scholarships to students pursuing careers with an emphasis in pork.
Among the many qualifying educational pursuits are agribusiness, agricultural engineering, agronomy, animal science, environmental sciences, nutrition and large animal veterinary medicine.
The scholarship application deadline is May 15. Applicants must be Minnesota residents attending a two- or four-year institution and pursuing an undergraduate degree that focuses on swine production or a related field.
Applicants entering their freshman, sophomore, junior or senior year of college are eligible.
To apply for the scholarships, candidates must complete an application form, compose a letter indicating their plans for future involvement within pork production and/or the pork industry, submit an essay on a current or future pork industry challenge and their ideas for solving the issue, and include two letters of reference and a professional resume.
For more information or application material for scholarships or grants, contact Minnesota Pork Board Director of Education Jill Resler at
507-345-8814 or To download application material, go to