Another successful festival run
As the ArtWorks Week comes to a close, the Austin Area Commission for the Arts would like to send a heartfelt thank you to all the participants, volunteers, and donors who helped make this week a success.
Events like these would not happen without strong community support, and we are fortunate to live in a community that offers such support. Strength can be seen in the numbers alone.
This year, we had 50 visual artists, 10 authors, and 28 musicians participate in this year’s festival. We enlisted the help of over 100 volunteers who put in hundreds of hours in making the ArtWorks Center a reality and the Festival a continued success. A very special thank you goes out to Belita and Dick Schindler, Gretchen and Mark Ramlo, Jim and Milly Burroughs, Jenelle Cummings, Vicki Splinter, Julie Thomsen, Mary Anne Wolesky, Tammy Coffey, and Scott Knoebel.
Their hours of service have been astronomical, and the Center wouldn’t be open without their help.
More than 150 community members and businesses have financially supported the center, and 60 financially supported the Festival.
The support in all areas speaks volumes to the value our community places on creative activities. Together we have proven the symbiotic relationship between the arts and community. As the community has continued to support the arts, the arts have continued to enrich our community.