Anonymous teacher vote is invalid
A anonymous vote of teachers on the school calendar issue requested by the school board has come back invalid.
An online survey request was sent to 279 licensed teachers. The district received more responses than there were teachers, said Superintendent Mike Funk. The administration received 317 responses, meaning the survey was spread around to more than just teachers or else some people voted from multiple computers.
The survey, done through online survey company Survey Monkey, was sent to teachers but if the link was forwarded to other people on other computers, it could be taken by anyone. There was no way, with this or any anonymous online survey, to ensure each person voting was indeed an Albert Lea Area Schools teacher and voting only a single time, Funk said.
The Tribune was able to find links to the survey posted on Facebook, where anyone could vote.
The superintendent said the administration will wait for the board’s instructions before taking the next step when it comes to soliciting teacher input.
Jim Quirum, director of technology and human resources for the district, nevertheless sent teachers the results of the invalid survey, because faculty requested it.
The results had 139 in favor of the plan to adjust the calendar and 178 against. In June, a survey found 123 supported it, 36 opposes and 74 neutral.
“Thanks to all of you who participated,” Quirum said in his message to teachers.