Ag Appreciation summer cookout set for Tuesday
Tickets are now available for the Austin Area Chamber’s 29th annual Ag Appreciation Summer Cookout slated for 5:30-7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Plager Building on the Mower County Fairgrounds.
Organized through the Chamber’s Agribusiness Committee, the event is designed to recognize the contributions of agriculture to the community and show appreciation to valued customers from all walks of life. More than 1,000 people attend each year and are served a Hormel Windsor chop dinner, ice cream and refreshments.
Members of the Mower County Pork Producers, 4-H and FFA will assist the Chamber’s Agribusiness Committee in preparing and serving the dinner.
Proceeds from the cookout help support a variety of committee activities, including contributions to Mower County 4-H, Mower County Dairy Association, Mower County Corn and Soybean Growers, and organization of the Chamber’s annual “Day on the Farm” for third grade students.
Tickets are $10 in advance at the chamber, 329 North Main St., or $12 door at the door.