Riverland, AHS students take part in Feed-A-Farmer program
By Aaron Wagner
Agricultural Sciences major at Riverland Community College
The Riverland Community College Agricultural and Food Science Technology Club and Austin High School FFA Chapter participated in their annual ‘Feed-A-Farmer’ project last week. The collaboration included collegiate and high school students from the Austin area. The students shared their appreciation for agriculture across southeastern Minnesota by providing lunches and refreshments to area farmers across Mower and Freeborn Counties. In total, over 200 sack lunches were delivered to local farmers.
“We are very proud of our students for the great work they did. Agriculture is a vital component of our regional economy and showing our appreciation for the hard work our area farmers do is vital for our continued success as an industry. This engagement affords students an off-campus service project where they are exposed to agriculture, the receiving of grain during harvest, and communicating with producers,” said Riverland Community College Agricultural and Food Science Technology Club advisor Nick Schiltz.
“This year was a real challenge in scheduling, but I think it was handled as well as we could considering how the weather cooperated,” said Riverland Ag Club President Aaron Wagner.
“I am glad to still be apart of this program and can’t wait until next year,” said Riverland Community College Olivia Krause.
“Austin FFA members were really excited to be involved with such a great community project – ‘Feed-A-Farmer’. Having the chance to interact with area farmers during this busy time was great for both the students and farmers. We received many thanks and appreciation from all the farmers and farm workers that enjoyed the sack lunches that were provided.” said Linnay Schweisthal, Austin FFA Advisor
FFA is the largest youth organization in the United States with membership over 600,000. Minnesota FFA has maintained membership over 10,000 for the past few years and membership continues to grow every day. Austin FFA membership is growing every year. Members participate at the regional and state level contests called Career Development Events which range from Livestock Judging to Floriculture to Prepared Public Speaking and many areas in between. Leadership development is a large aspect within the chapter as members attend various camps and conferences that are geared toward leadership and developing well rounded citizens. Austin FFA is involved with the community through community service projects and helping area organizations with their planned activities.
Austin FFA and Riverland Community College Agriculture and Food Science Technology Club are excited to join forces to plan events together to bring high school and college students together for the overall goal of promoting agriculture and all its aspects.
The Riverland Community College Agricultural and Food Science Technology Club and Austin High School FFA seeks to promote premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education. The Club is a Minnesota FFA Alumni chapter and a National Postsecondary Agriculture Students Organization (PAS) affiliate. The advisor for the Club is Agricultural Science faculty instructor Nick Schiltz. The Austin High School FFA Chapter is led by Advisor Linnay Schweisthal.
Follow the Riverland Agriculture and Food Science Technology Club online at www.riverlandagclub.theaet.com or like them on Facebook by searching ‘Riverland Agricultural and Food Science Technology Club.’