
Water plans push ahead; County seeking to net land near Ramsey Mill Pond

The community is continuing to make waves toward developing land around Ramsey Mill Pond and the Cedar River.


Vision 2020: Time to gear up for the Red Bike

Punxsutawney Phil may not be a particularly accurate weather-rodent, but during our long winters it’s always nice to ...


Vision 2020: City-YMCA partnership on rec center makes sense

It goes without saying that all important community projects require collaboration. Many different organizations can work together to ...


Vision 2020: Now is the time to act on rec center

The dedicated and passionate volunteers with Vision 2020, from the beginning, have appreciated the value of historic preservation. ...


Mayor says plant is best location for rec center

Though a petition and call to save the downtown Austin Municipal Plant ignited community discussion, Austin’s mayor ...


Letter: Save the Austin Municipal Power Plant

The original spirit of Vision 2020 embraced public participation and encouraged creativity and enthusiasm as a means to ...


As rec center deal nears for downtown plant, some are calling to save the building

Vision 2020 is working on a deal to buy the former Austin Utilities Downtown Power Plant to be ...


Vision 2020: Contribute your voice to the city’s comprehensive plan

As you might recall, the original inspiration for Vision 2020 was simple: improve Austin’s quality of life for ...


Vision 2020: Bridge improvements offer many public benefits

We’ve heard for years, if not decades, about the need to replace our nation’s crumbling infrastructure. This is ...


Shopping with a hero sums up the season

Happy holidays, everyone. This time of year always fosters a spirit of giving, and we at Vision 2020 ...


Letter: Business is on the way up in Austin

On behalf of Vision 2020 I would like to thank Mr. Lewis for contributing to the important and ...


Vision 2020 answers frequently asked questions about the dome

The walking path is open to the public during the dome’s regular hours (subject to change), which will ...


Domecoming: Public gets first look at Austin’s new recreational asset

Austin’s latest recreational asset was on full display Saturday morning. Softball and baseball players took swings in batting ...


Vision 2020 hires new executive director

Vision 2020 has a new director. Gregory Siems, 25, started as Vision 2020’s director on Monday, and he’s ...


Carrying out the vision: Greg Siems ready to ‘guide the ship’ as Vision 2020’s new director

As Greg Siems takes the helm of Vision 2020, he’s looking to carry on the momentum that’s built ...

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