
Joystick: A wintry wonderland of gaming

A winter like the one we’ve been having is the perfect time to catch up on games, or ...


Joystick: “Ni no Kuni” shows depth despite flaws

“Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch” 4.5 out of 5 stars For Playstation 3 •Style: RPG ...


Joystick: Remembering a devil of a game with “DmC”

I remember thinking the first “Devil May Cry” was revolutionary. I played it a couple years after it ...


‘Anarchy Reigns’ plays well but loses steam to predecessor

“Anarchy Reigns” 4 out of 5 stars For Playstation 3, Xbox 360 •Style: Action/beat ‘em up •Rating: M ...


Joystick: Gaming industry going big in 2013

2013 promises to bring excitement to the gaming industry, as more details on Microsoft’s and Sony’s next consoles ...


Video games closer to real life than you think

For those who think video games don’t affectthem in some way, shape or form, there’s a lot of ...


Joystick: Handhelds remain a J-game bastion

I’ve been thinking a lot about handheld systems of late.


Joystick: A second dose of ‘Pokemon Black and White’

If you’ve never played Pokemon, consider yourself lucky. Or terribly sheltered.


The Dark Knight Rises: Closing a classic

As a lifelong Batman fan, let me tell you: Christopher Nolan’s take on the Batman universe will never ...


Joystick takes an early look at Deadpool game

There’s plenty of elements to the upcoming Deadpool game that require a good discussion among fans of violence ...


Undead action RPG ‘Dead Island’ deserves another life

“Dead Island” was the game that was supposed to have it all.


Joystick: Games and film converging?

With more gamers thinking like cinema buffs and more filmmakers taking cues from gaming, the intersection of the ...


Joystick: Where are all the collectors sets?

It makes little sense to just release an HD game without at least some perks to get longtime ...


Joystick: LEGO adventures continue with Batman and friends

“Lego Batman 2” brings just as much fun and creativity as previous Lego games, but it also plays ...


Joystick: “Lollipop Chainsaw” sweet on concept, sour on design

It’s short, just like almost every other Suda51 game, but it’s a worthy, hilarious experience.

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