In Your Community: Brownsdale Study Club

Published 5:34 pm Friday, May 24, 2024

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The Brownsdale Study Club met at the home of Therese Manggaard on May 21.

President Shelly Vogel opened the meeting with the reading of the Collect. Four members responded to the roll call, “Bring an object from the 1920s.” A book stamped, “Property of the Brownsdale Study Club” was shared as well as photos, dolls and a religious artifact.   The secretary and treasurer’s reports were approved.

Under old/new business, the group agreed to meet at Alamo Annie’s on Friday, June 14 at 9 a.m. If the Historical Society can accommodate us, we will proceed to the fairgrounds to view their archives.

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Therese announced that Music at the Hormel Mansion will begin their weekly concerts on June 3 with dinner served at 6 p.m. and the concert beginning at 7 p.m. Bring your lawn chair.

Barb Swanson made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mary Kidwiler Moritz.

Mary shared some headlines from May 1924.

J. Edgar Hoover is appointed head of the FBI.

The Pulitzer Prize for Literature was awarded to Robert Frost.

Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb kidnap and murder Bobby Franks to demonstrate their intellectual superiority of committing the perfect crime.

Mary presented the main topic, “What Lies Beneath: Peaceful Conservation Burials”.  As an alternative to conventional burials, conservation burials involve placing those who have died directly in the ground without the use of toxic embalming fluids, concrete vaults, pricey coffins, cremation or other environmentally harmful processes and materials. Natural burial is legal in every state and has grown substantially since 1998. The United States and Canada provide about 350 burial sites that offer some form of natural or hybrid resting places. They are located on land protected by a recognized conservation land trust. A GPS location is provided to families and visitors so they can find their way to the grave as they stroll along natural pathways. Cost savings as well as ecological concerns are at the forefront. Green burials involve only rapidly biodegradable materials such as cloth shrouds or willow baskets. No mowing, fertilizing or watering of the natural landscape is necessary.

Therese served a seasonal treat of rhubarb slush and rhubarb torte.

Submitted by Therese Manggaard, secretary