Mower 4-H’er selected to serve on the Minnesota 4-H Animal Science Youth Leadership Team

Published 5:58 pm Friday, February 9, 2024

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Minnesota 4-H has announced the development of the animal science youth leadership team, which will include a Mower County youth.

Reuben Drees has been selected to share his experience and voice on the founding leadership team and is one of 17 youth who were selected.

The Animal Science Youth Leadership Team is a new initiative to bring youth voice to 4-H animal science programming. Youth team members in grades 8 and up will have the opportunity to plan, implement and evaluate a variety of animal science programs while exploring their passions and practicing leadership skills.

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They will also serve as positive role models for Minnesota 4-H and the animal science program. This experience will offer an opportunity to network with peers, mentors and industry professionals.

The team had their first meeting in January and identified areas of focus which included education, recruitment, and expanded opportunities for 4-H youth.

The animal science youth leadership team is one of several 4-H opportunities available to Minnesota youth interested in animal science programs. To learn more about this opportunity, contact Extension Educators David Foley [] and Katie Johnson [].