Letter to the Editor: Promote the general welfare

Published 7:51 pm Tuesday, February 20, 2024

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The word ‘stakeholders’ is being used more and more in political and legislative conversations. To say there are stakeholders means there must also be non-stakeholders. Therefore, stakeholders are separate or special interests; select individuals or groups. Stakeholders are not everyone nor the general public.

The preamble to what used to be the law of our now lawless land says we and our branches of government were to promote the general Welfare. Doing things for stakeholders does not promote general welfare. It promotes special interests.

“Promote the general welfare” means doing or legislating only those things which everyone benefits from mutually. This idea was intended to limit government activity as few things can promote the general Welfare. Everyone benefits mutually when people can work, produce and take care of themselves; not just stakeholders. Government has not restricted itself to promoting the general Welfare as we now have growing numbers of people who do not work or produce and who cannot take care of themselves.

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When it comes to the general welfare, every American citizen should be the stakeholder, benefiting mutually and equally in each and every government action.

To promote the general welfare, we must restore American freedom, justice, prosperity and independence by implementing the once used principle of a debt free medium of exchange so that Americans can work, produce and take care of themselves without having to be in a state of growing indebtedness and suffering its consequences.

Gregory Soderberg

Austin, MN