APS Column: Fostering a positive learning environment through ‘Bobcat Best’

Published 5:18 pm Friday, December 22, 2023

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By Blake Henely

Banfield Principal

Banfield Elementary School is paving the way for a positive and inclusive school culture in its first year of implementing Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). The initiative, known as “Bobcat Best,” emphasizes core values to guide both staff and students towards responsible, kind, safe, and diligent behavior.

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“We want our school community to always show their Bobcat Best, and that means embracing values that form the foundation of a thriving learning environment,” says John Schneider, PBIS co-coach at Banfield. “We believe that by instilling these principles, we can create a positive atmosphere that fosters not only academic success but also personal growth and development.”

The Bobcat Best program identifies four key pillars:

Be Responsible: Encouraging students to take ownership of their actions and decisions, promoting accountability in both academic and social contexts.

Encourage Kindness: Fostering a culture of empathy and respect, where students actively support and uplift their peers.

Stay Safe: Prioritizing the well-being of all students by adhering to safety guidelines and creating a secure environment for learning and play.

Try My Hardest: Cultivating a growth mindset by encouraging students to approach challenges with determination and perseverance.

The school’s PBIS team worked collaboratively to establish clear expectations for behavior across various settings within the school, including the classroom, hallway, cafeteria, bathrooms, playground, and the library. These expectations were communicated to both students and staff, laying the groundwork for a shared understanding of the desired behavior in different contexts.

To reinforce these positive behaviors, staff at Banfield initiated a series of lessons, allowing students to familiarize themselves with the expectations in each area. Teachers actively engaged with students, providing guidance and encouragement to ensure a smooth transition into the new behavioral framework.

One of the highlights of the program is the introduction of Bobcat Best cards, a tangible acknowledgment of students and classes demonstrating exemplary behavior. These cards are awarded to individuals and classes embodying the core values, serving as a visual representation of their commitment to the Bobcat Best principles.

As these cards accumulate, students and staff can look forward to exciting classroom and school-wide celebrations. These celebrations not only serve as incentives for continued positive behavior but also strengthen the sense of community within the school.

According to Devin Hines, PBIS co-coach: “we believe that PBIS, with its Bobcat Best framework, will contribute significantly to creating a school environment where students feel supported, respected, and motivated to achieve their best.”

Banfield’s commitment to PBIS reflects a broader nationwide effort to cultivate positive school climates, emphasizing not only academic achievement but also the development of essential social and emotional skills. As the school year progresses, the Banfield staff eagerly anticipates the continued success of the Bobcat Best initiative in shaping a culture of excellence and positivity within the building for years to come.