Letter to the Editor: Terrible decisions are coming out of anger

Published 5:47 pm Friday, October 6, 2023

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Dear Editor,

It is one-dimensional to say that any younger person is “more capable of a better job.” That assumes younger means better judgment. And that is not a better judgment on facts.

For instance, the prevailing emotion of younger Republican politicians and activists these days is anger. For them, anger is justified insanity coming from frustrations with facts.

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We all know that terrible decisions come out of anger.

Now, I do not like Senate Republican Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell. But McConnell is far better at making decisions for Republican policies than a younger, angry person.

I think McConnell’s brain freezes are understandable. McConnell continually realizes he is in judgment hell in defending current Republican policies, like government shutdown to force a dictatorship.

Age does matter.

Erwin Rud

Fosston, Minnesota