Flowers from the heart, Petal It Forward brings brightness to the community

Published 1:38 pm Wednesday, October 18, 2023

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For the eighth year in a row, Hardy Geranium took part in a national initiative to bring good will to communities.

Staff from the Hardy Geranium, along with Mayor Steve King this year, hit the streets and businesses of Austin as part of Petal It Forward, a nationwide effort by florists involving handing out bouquets of flowers to random people with the hope that they will in turn continue to spread the love.

“I think it’s just a good thing for people,” said Hardy Geranium owner Vicki Trimble, adding that many take the spirit of the event to heart. “Most people give both away.”

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Each person is given two bouquets of flowers including six flowers. People can keep one bouquet with the hopes that they will give the second bouquet to someone else.

This year, Austin’s effort resulted in 250 bouquets being given out. 

This was King’s first year being part of the program and he was enthusiastic about the good that flowers can do.

“I couldn’t be happier to be a part of it,” King said before heading off to his first stop, The Coffee House on Main. “It boosts everyone’s spirits. If this doesn’t make your day, what does?”

In the past Trimble said that flowers have been given out all across Austin with recent trips to the Austin Police Department, Fire Department and Mayo Ambulance to show appreciation for what they do.

They’ve even gone south to Lyle.

The aim is to brighten people’s days, but Trimble said she hopes for a little more people will take out of the effort..

“That there is good in the world,” she said. “There’s too much sadness and horror. I just want (people) to get some good out of it.”