HEARING 8/1/23
Published 8:37 am Wednesday, July 19, 2023
Notice is hereby given that the Mower County Planning Commission will assemble on Tuesday, August 1, 2023, at 5:30 p.m. in the County Commissioner’s Room, located in the lower level of the Mower County Government Center, (201 1st Street NE, Austin MN 55912 – please enter through the Law Enforcement Center doors), to consider the following Conditional Use Permit application(s) in accordance with Mower County Zoning Ordinance:
Notice is hereby further given that the Mower County Planning Commission will take public comment on the aforementioned Conditional Use Permit application(s) both in-person and via teleconference from the County Commissioner’s Room. To participate in the meeting via teleconference, please use one of the following:
CUP #965 Todd Grundmeier and Gina Grundmeier request a Conditional Use Permit for an ATF extended home occupation for operation of T N G plumbing out of an accessory building on the property, located in Section 28, Dexter Township. Property Owner(s) are: Bonnie (deceased) Grundmeier and Todd Grundmeier (POA)
CUP #966 was tabled by the Planning Commission on July 5, 2023 pending further information and may be considered at the 8/1/2023 meeting. CUP #966 Vertical Bridge, LLC c/o Mike Bieniek and John Burchfield requests a Conditional Use Permit for the installation of a 195 foot monopole telecommunications tower with supporting equipment in 100’ x 100’ lease area of agricultural parcel, located in Section 09, Red Rock Township. Property Owner is: Ronald Akkerman
Notice is hereby further given that the Mower County Board of Commissioners may hear the aforementioned Conditional Use Permit application(s) on Tuesday, August 8, 2023 at approximately 10:00 am in the County Commissioner’s Room, if the CUP is forwarded by the Planning Commission.
The application(s) and accompanying documents are available for review during normal business hours prior to the meeting at the Public Works Office: 1105 8th Ave. NE, Austin, MN or by emailing a request to zoning@co.mower.mn.us
Dated: Friday, July 14, 2023
Valerie Sheedy
Assistant Public Works Director – Environmental Services
Austin Daily Herald:
July 19, 2023
HEARING 8/1/23