APS welcomes new Ellis Dean of Students

Published 1:21 pm Monday, July 31, 2023

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Austin Public Schools is pleased to announce the hiring of Dr. Nichelle Guillaume as the new Dean of Students at Ellis Middle School.

Guillaume, a graduate of Austin High School, has worked in education since 2015, most recently as the Instructional Coach at Ellis Middle School. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse and a Master of Science and a Doctorate in Education from Winona State University.

“Dr. Guillaume brings unique talents to our dean position at Ellis Middle School,” said Principal Dewey Schara. “Since she served as our Instructional Coach last year, Dr. Guillaume understands our teachers’ day-to-day work and the rigors of offering an engaging curriculum. Last year, she assisted with behavior issues when necessary and is passionate about building relationships with students to understand their behavior issues better. We truly believe she will be an asset to our school.”

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Guillaume will succeed Paula Ziems, who previously served as Ellis Middle School’s Dean of Students.

“I am excited to continue working at Ellis and honored to transition into this new role as Dean of Students,” Guillaume said. “I look forward to working with and supporting students, their families and staff to create a safe, welcoming, and inclusive learning environment for all.”