Hulne: Don’t let the summer slip away, get out and move

Published 6:34 pm Thursday, June 22, 2023

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The traveler ascended up the hill and soon found himself surrounded by the chirps of hundreds of various birds, flocking amongst the fading sunlight. Majestic cranes glided overhead across the clean spotless sky and a bald eagle swooped across the landscape in search of its evening meal.

Below the hill was a wooded forest that offered an escape that only nature can, and beyond that hill lay the still waters of a calm and peaceful lake.

No, I did not take a recent trip up north.

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All of what I described and more can be found just 17 miles west of Austin at Myre-Big Island State Park.

With summer booming it is time to get out and get on the move. No matter what is currently on your mind, or what is ailing your body, there is no cure quite like a good walk through nature.

Whenever my feet hit the path at a state park, or any trail in Austin, I’m immediately taken to a new world and my troubles soon start to float away.

There are plenty of options to hit the trails in Austin. You have the bike path, which wraps all around town and you also have the Hormel Nature Center, where you can take a short hike out to the tower and catch a gorgeous sunset or sunrise.

Outside of Austin, Whitewater State Park near St. Charles is a great stop that provides relatively difficult hiking, along with a cool pond to take a dip in. Lake Louise State Park near LeRoy and Myre-Big Island are excellent choices as well.

The best part about going out for a hike is just about anyone of any age. Kids or grandparents make great walking partners. It’s also a great way to start up a chat with a friend.

So get off the couch and get out in nature. There is no excuse to not be active in the summer!