Mower 4-H celebrates volunteers during National Volunteer Week

Published 6:17 pm Tuesday, April 18, 2023

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Each year, thousands of volunteers in Minnesota donate their time and energy to make their communities a better place to live. These volunteers will be among the millions across the country who will be spotlighted during National Volunteer Week, which runs through Saturday. 

One group that relies heavily on volunteers is the University of Minnesota Extension’s 4-H Youth Development Program. During National Volunteer Week and every week throughout 2023, Minnesota 4-H celebrates and appreciates its more than 6,700 volunteers — each one critical to the success of 4-H programs and making a difference in the lives of youth. In Mower County, 110 volunteers serve as club leaders, project leaders, committee members and in advisory capacities for the 4-H Youth Development Program. Research shows that Minnesota 4-H volunteers help youth gain leadership skills, serve their communities, improve their decision-making skills and develop career readiness. 

The work of 4-H volunteers is continuous. Every day volunteers lend a helping hand to make 4-H programs more beneficial to the residents of Mower County. Those interested in joining the team of 4-H volunteers are invited to contact the University of Minnesota Extension – Mower County at 507-437-9552,, or 

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