Austin boys golfers finish 10th in first Big Nine competition

Published 7:59 pm Thursday, April 27, 2023

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The Austin boys golf team finished in 10th place in the first of two Big Nine meets in Faribault Thursday.

Isaac Anderson led the Packers with an 82.

Team standings: 1. Albert Lea, 302; 2. Rochester Mayo 303; 3. Rochester Century 307; 4. Faribault 317; 5. Northfield 318; 5. Owatonna 318; 7. Rochester John Marshall 319; 8. Mankato West 326; 8. Mankato East 326; 10. Austin 335; 11. Red Wing 356; 12. Winona 379

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Austin scoring: Isaac Anderson, 82; Carter Hovelsrud, 84; Izaac Erickson, 84; Elijah Krueger, 85; Cale Tupy, 87; Dane Mitchell, 93