Our opinion: Your votes for the best

Published 6:30 am Saturday, July 31, 2021

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The Austin Daily Herald has recently published its annual Best of Mower County special supplement.

One of our favorite supplements of the year, this section puts our community on a pedestal thanks to — our community.

Starting with the nomination round, folks from Austin and Mower County were able to put in a name, business or organization under a number of different headings. Possible choices were narrowed to the top five nominees in each category, which were then voted on.

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What makes this section standout is you. The Herald has no say in who wins and who doesn’t. This all comes down to those that take part in the process. In turn, it shows pride in the businesses and people of our community and just how valuable you consider your neighbors that make it safe for us to live, fix our plumbing or sell our homes.

It also reflects the thriving nature of our area and shows that we are alive and kicking in southeast Minnesota.

If you haven’t yet, we recommend you visit www.austindailyherald.com and click on special sections to see the winners of this year’s supplement and check out with pride to see who is the Best of Mower County.