Mayo Clinic Health System Match Day donates funds to Salvation Army
Published 7:03 am Saturday, December 14, 2019
If you heard lots of bells ringing Thursday, you can blame it on Mayo Clinic Health System employees.
Match Day took place in both Albert Lea and Austin in hopes to collect funds for the Salvation Army in each community.

Sheryl Ellingson of Mayo Clinic Health System in Austin ringing the bell at Hy-Vee in Austin on Dec. 10. Photo provided
When it was all said and done, Austin bell ringers collected $559 while Albert Lea volunteers garnered $437. Mayo Clinic Health System committed to match up to $1,000 in both communities kettles. Even though each location wasn’t able to meet that goal, Mayo Clinic Health System will donate the full amount to each community organization.
“We know how important the Salvation Army is in our communities,” said Tricia Dahl, operations administrator for Mayo Clinic Health System in Albert Lea and Austin. “The food shelf, offering emergency and utility services, along with offering meals to those in hunger and counseling services are invaluable to those looking for hope in the short term while providing hope for the future.”