Gov. Walz calls for public hearings on insulin affordability
Published 6:29 am Tuesday, November 19, 2019
30-day legislative deadline passed
ST. PAUL — Gov. Tim Walz today renewed his call for public hearings on legislation to address the skyrocketing price of insulin.
On Monday, legislators missed their self-imposed 30-day deadline to reach an agreement. Walz said it is time for these meetings to happen in public and include the voices of Minnesotans currently struggling to afford their insulin.

Gov. Tim Walz
“We must take immediate action to ensure Minnesotans with diabetes have access to the drug they need to survive,” Walz said. “It has now been 30 days since the Senate and House began meeting to reach a deal on insulin. While I am encouraged that progress has been made, the deadline is up and it is time for this conversation to happen in public. We need real movement on this issue, and we need it now.”
Walz will call a special session as soon as the House and Senate agree on a solution to address the skyrocketing cost of insulin. Last week, he declared “Diabetes Day” in Minnesota as a call to action for the legislature to reach a deal to improve access to affordable insulin. He was recently joined by young Minnesotans with diabetes urging Senate Republicans to come to the table to negotiate a deal. Following his call, a bipartisan group of legislators began meeting to discuss a joint proposal with their 30-day self-imposed deadline passing today. Walz previously called on legislative leaders to hold a public conference committee to settle differences between their bills.