Fence Damage at Skinner’s Hill
Published 5:51 am Tuesday, November 26, 2019
By Kevin D. Nelson
Executive Director, Austin Parks and Recreation
Recent auto damage to a city chain link fence near Skinner’s Hill resulted in the need for some temporary (and future permanent) repairs to the fence.
The related police report reflects that the tire skid marks from the driver’s vehicle appeared as though the damage was accidental. It’s unfortunate, however, that said driver(s), even though committing unintentional damage, left the scene of the accident, as even minimal (driver’s) liability coverage would pay for the damage done to city property; now the associated repair costs will be shouldered by taxpayers, similar to when city property suffers vandalism.
Dump your leaves
Lawn Leaf Deposit is available at the Cook Farm site through Nov. 30, so you can still do lawn care and then deposit your leaves somewhere without a deposit fee.
Winter at Todd Park
As a reminder, once it snows the main roads, north parking lot, and trails through Todd Park will be closed/left unplowed throughout the winter months. The parking lot nearest Izaak Walton Cabin will be regularly cleared for automobiles of those who wish to venture out to do some disc golfing.
City archery deer hunt
A total of 29 deer have been harvested in the city archery deer hunt since Oct. 23. All but one of these have been does, and nine of these deer were harvested outside of the nature center. As a reminder, you must have passed the required qualifying archery skills test and been approved by the Hunt Committee (ask me for details) to participate in the City hunt. In other words, you cannot just go hunting within the city limits of Austin just because you have an archery deer hunting license.
Pickleball Wednesday
Did you know that pickleball is available for free from 6:30-8:30 p.m. on Wednesday nights at Ellis Middle School? Show up ready to play in the auxiliary gym on the following dates: Dec. 4, 11 and 18. Watch for additional pickleball dates starting in January!
Baseball under the dome
Dome baseball will begin on Dec. 2 for those 7-9 years old and on Dec. 3 for those 10-12 years old.
This pitching machine league is designed for skill development and live game experience. Deadline to register on line is Friday. Go to cityofapr.maxgalaxy.net or follow the link on the City of Austin’s website at www.ci.austin.mn.us, City Dept, Park & Rec – online registration.
“Winter in Yellowstone” with Matt Freecheck
The change in season brings on a completely different way of life in the United States’ first national park. Find out how survival is possible in this frozen landscape with Matt Freecheck as he shares his stories about winter in Yellowstone at 7 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 2. Sponsored by Austin Izaak Walton League.
Youth archery
Youth archery begins in early January and will be held in the 4-H building at the Mower County Fairgrounds. The program will run on Wednesday and Thursday evenings, Jan. 8 through March 11. Register at the Parks and Rec Office, either online or in person, by Jan. 3.
Packer Arena public skate dates
7:15-8:45 p.m., Wednesday. We add times as different opportunities arise, so check our Facebook page regularly. Having a birthday party or getting your friends and family together? Consider renting the arena! Call our office at 507-433-1881 for details on available times.