Break out the turkey: Pacelli Elementary students share some of their favorite parts about Thanksgiving

Published 7:00 am Thursday, November 28, 2019

It’s hard to find anything to really dislike about Thanksgiving.

Family and friends. Turkey, stuffing and, without argument, pumpkin pie.

By now, most everybody knows at least a little bit of the origins of this holiday. According to the History Channel’s website, it’s widely considered that first meal, that would later be celebrated as Thanksgiving, was in 1621 when Plymounth colonists and Wampanoag Indians shared an autumn harvest feast. This feast went on for three days and while no official account exists of what was on the menu, we can still imagine the potential for the food that was served.

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Two centuries later, President Abraham Lincoln finally proclaimed Thanksgiving a national holiday in 1863.

Today, great food is usually accompanied by football and perhaps the annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade. At Pacelli, seven students, representing the seven elementary school grades, gave us their ideas as to what they enjoy about their particular celebrations.

Maw Soe

Maw Soe


Maw was pretty quiet at first and wasn’t exactly sure what she wanted to say. With a smile she nodded when it was suggested we come back to her. When we did she was ready. Maw enjoys spending time with her friend next door. “Sometimes, I like having a play date at her house.” Things aren’t quite so traditional as Maw said her meals will sometimes consist of things like rice and eggs.

Emilia Churchill

Emilia Churchill

First grade

Emilia was ready for her turn, and it didn’t take long to give an answer as to what she liked most about Thanksgiving. “Having my cousins over and playing with them,” Emilia answered as her favorite thing to do over the holiday. After, and maybe before, Emilia and her cousins retreat to the basement to play with her mom’s toys, which she had when she was their age.

Diego Ortiz Reyes

Diego Ortiz Reyes

Second grade

Diego had a two-fold answer. He informed us that he looks forward to the chicken and tortillas that are served. After that, it’s time to head outside and get some serious play time in with friends and family.

Casimir Asoggba

Casimir Asoggba

Third grade

Casimir looks forward to one of his friends coming over to spend the holiday with him. While he looks forward to the food, he especially looks forward to what happens with leftovers — turkey sandwiches. It’s hard to disagree with Casimir on that one. Sometimes ice cream and cookies are even involved after the feast. After that, Casimir and his family takes the leftovers and shares them with family and friends.

Jocelyn Hernandez

Jocelyn Hernandez

Fourth grade

Like so many others, food is right up at the forefront for Jocelyn, in particular the turkey. After that, Jocelyn enjoys heading outside and playing with her cousins, regardless of the weather.

Madeline Klankowski

Madeline Klankowski

Fifth grade

Klankowski is a family girl and she lists the members of her family coming to town as one of her favorite things. Not only that, it usually results in not just one, but two Thanksgivings — one each for both her mom and dad’s side of the family. The turkey is fine, but there is also the pie, and Madeline was quick to say that she’s not too picky. And then there is being able to chip in. “Helping my parents make food is fun,” Madeline said.

Joey Schulte

Joey Schulte

Sixth grade

Joey takes in the food, but he doesn’t waste any time when it comes to eating it. His favorite food from the holiday are ham sandwiches. After the food, Joey takes part in what he described as, “the biggest game of hide and seek ever!”