Letter: City can be proud of employees

Published 5:38 am Wednesday, October 30, 2019

On Oct. 15, my husband and I were on our way to Wabasha when we decided to stop in Austin to see the Spam Museum. We parked on Main Street in front of Steve’s Pizza. As I was getting out of the car my sunglasses fell down past the grate and six feet into the drain! I might have said, “Oh well,” but these were expensive and special to me because they were a gift from my daughters. I asked the hostess at Steve’s where City Hall was located. I think I actually went into the Police Department building! The woman at the window listened to my story and kindly called the City Street Department. I was told to go back to the spot where the glasses were and that someone would be there shortly to help. And they were! Within less than five minutes! Two young men took the grate off and one went into the drain and got my sunglasses! They were and are my heroes! I didn’t get their names, but to you guys working at 1 p.m. on the 15th — Thank you!

City of Austin, you can be proud of your employees!

Mary E. Miller

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Marshalltown, Iowa