Get your ticket for the Thanksgiving Feast Fundraiser
Published 6:43 am Saturday, October 26, 2019
You can join the Friends of the Jay C. Hormel Nature Center for their Thanksgiving Feast Fundraiser from 5-9 p.m. on Nov. 2.
The event will take place at the Holiday Inn Austin Conference Center at 1701 Fourth St. NW. Tickets can be purchased for $40 online at and can be reserved by calling 1-507-433-6928.

Kevin Nelson
It’s sure to be a fun evening, starting with a social hour followed by a delicious meal, music and entertainment, raffles and games, and both silent and live auctions! All proceeds go to the Jay C. Hormel Nature Center Operations Fund, which supports interns, staffing, and programs throughout the year. Also, please note: In a correction of information which I posted last week, no coupons are being offered this year for joining the Friends of the Nature Center or for use at the Feast Fundraiser.
Did you know curling is offered at Packer Arena? Next Sunday from 4-6 p.m. at Packer Arena there will be an opportunity for newbies to cross curling off of their bucket list. This event is $15 to be able to get out on the ice, receive a quick beginners lesson on the game (an abbreviated version of a normal 2-hour Learn-to-Curl Class), throw a few ‘rocks,’ and then snap your photo on the ice.
All equipment will be provided; however, you will need to bring the following:
• A clean pair of athletic shoes. (Please carry these into the arena, and then change into them once you get here).
• Warm, flexible clothing. The arena is approximately 40 degrees, so dress in warm layers. You may want to include gloves and a hat.
Adult Flag Football will be offered and played in the Wescott Dome beginning Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2020, and running for eight weeks. Your deadline to register a team is 5 p.m. on Nov. 20 at the Park and Rec office. The team fee is $480. Players must be 18 years of age as of July 1, 2019, with a minimum of seven players needed and roster limit of 20 players. Game times will be 6:15 p.m. or 7:15 p.m. start!
For young baseball enthusiasts, Dome Baseballwill begin on Dec. 2 and runs Dec. 2,9,16, Jan. 6, 13 and 20 for those 7-9 years of age. Those 10-12 years of age runs Dec. 3, 10,17, Jan. 7, 14 and 21. This pitching machine league is designed for skill development and live game experience. Go to or follow the link on the city of Austin’s website at, City Dept, Park & Rec – online registration.
Registration is now open for Youth Archery League which begins in January.
Public skate
Public Skate at Riverside:
4:30-6 p.m. today. Public Skate will move to Packer Arena for the winter season effective Nov. 2. Watch for weekly Packer Arena public hours to be posted beginning next week!
Parks restrooms have been winterized as of last week; thus, the restrooms are now closed for the season.