Letter: We’re all represented in the U.S.

Published 8:40 am Wednesday, September 18, 2019

I would like to respond to Kristie Michelson’s dismay at the posting of foreign flags along with American flags on our day of mourning, Sept. 11.

I am sorry Kristie that you were so offended and I would like to ask what you meant in using the word “convenience” in describing the use of the foreign flags? Personally I think that it was a bold acknowledgement of the event.

People from many places on the planet died in the horrible events of Sept. 11, 2001, and countries from all over the world joined to express their outrage and condolences to us Americans. New York is a city of the world. I had the good fortune of spending the last 42 years living and working there and would hope that you could someday experience it, if you have not already.

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People have been coming there to visit and live from everywhere for the past couple centuries. Austin, Minnesota, is in many ways much like New York City. There are more than 50 languages spoken here, by people, humans, who have come here to live and work and raise their families. And because they are doing that our town is richer, more productive and much more interesting to live in.

I would also like to ask what your father and relatives were fighting for in their service? I hope that it was for freedom and to protect the values that our forefathers intended for all of us to honor. One more thing, where did your ancestors come from? How would they feel? We are all immigrants here. And you should know that the flags were put up in Austin by our neighbors to honor this Week of Welcome here in Austin, not just for newcomers but for everyone.

I would be happy to discuss this at any time with anyone. For more information, please visit www.ouraustinouramerica.com. We are all in this together…and we will be better for it. I would hope that the angst you feel could be transformed so that you might live a more peaceful life. Let us all enjoy each other and live in peace.

William Taufic

Austin, MN