Council revokes Hiawatha Bar licenses
Published 9:00 am Wednesday, June 19, 2019
The Austin City Council unanimously passed a resolution to revoke the Hiawatha Bar’s city hard liquor on-sale, Sunday hard liquor on-sale and food licenses during a public hearing Monday evening.
In a letter to the council, City Clerk Ann Kasel stated the Minnesota Department of Health informed the city the Hiawatha Bar no longer held a state food and beverage license. A state license is required in order for an establishment to hold a city hard liquor on-sale and food license.
“It is my understanding (the state food and beverage license) was never renewed for 2019 and the state was just getting around to following up on the non-renewals,” Kasel told the council.
The council voted to temporarily suspend the Hiawatha Bar’s licenses during its regular meeting on June 3. Per Kasel’s request, the council scheduled a public hearing on the matter for Monday’s meeting.
Kasel spoke to Hiawatha Bar owner Karena Tufte over the phone and sent her a letter informing her of the steps she needed to take to not have her licenses revoked. Kasel stated during the hearing that Tufte had not taken those steps.
Tufte was informed of the hearing, but did not attend.